July 2024

Alteration- The mystery of the Mass Revealed

Info About The Event


  • 7:00pm
  • Great Hall
  • Ann Burt
  • aburt7711@aol.com

Without a doubt the Mass is the most important element to theCatholic Faith.  It is what sets us apartfrom all other Christian faiths. The Mass, or celebration of the Eucharist, isthe fundamental liturgical ritual in the Roman Catholic Church. It is the central actionand aspect of our lives of faith and the primary way in which we Catholicsworship God as a community.  Some of us havebeen attending Mass all of our lives and some are just getting started.  My question to you is do we really know allwe can know about the Mass? Do we just go throughthe motions and fulfill our Sunday obligation? Are we ever bored or distractedat Mass?  I invite you to join me for a divedeep into a study of the Mass from why certain vestments are worn to what ourseemingly rote responses actually mean and emerge with a new zeal for Mass likenever before?

There is so much more than meets theeye when it comes to everything about God, including Mass. It is my prayer thatif you enter into this journey with me, you will discover that there is a lotmore going on at Mass than you ever imagined.


Over the course of this program, you will probably discover afew things that will surprise you. You will come to see and hear things thatyou have experienced hundreds of times in a totally new light. For the firsttime, they will actually make sense.

By the end of this program, I guarantee that you will come tosee Mass is anything but boring. In fact, if you truly enter into it, I promisethat you will come to understand how the great mystery, that is the Mass, isincredibly relevant to your life.

To reserve a space or for more infoplease contact Ann Burt at aburt47711@aol.com or call the church office at 252-495-8255

Mother of Mercy

Mother of Mercy

celebrating 200 years in washington, nc

On December 30, 1820, the Right Reverend John England arrived in Charleston, S.C., having been named the first Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston, which at that time encompassed Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. On June 4, 1821, Bishop England made his first visit to Washington, N.C. During his visit, he officially organized and established the Catholic Church in Washington.